Someone once challenged me to figure out what it is that moves me.

What moves me the most is actually slowing down; slowing down long enough to quiet the noises of this crazy, fast-paced world and allowing myself the time and space to reconnect with my soul. I have found that painting abstractly has allowed me to peel back the layers of my soul and acknowledge the depths where words cannot quite express.

I live in the hills of the White Rock Lake area in Dallas, TX. I paint out of a small, brick paved studio in the back of our house, oftentimes with the french doors wide open and our great dane, Moses, at my feet. I am married to my best friend and husband, Luke, who shares the same passion for creative expression and enjoys graphic design. We have three hilarious kids as well as a beautiful baby girl named Audrey Jane who passed away on Christmas Eve in 2016.

With a B.S. in Horticulture from Texas A&M University and a dream fulfilled of owning a floral design company, I am naturally intrigued by nature and how it shouts forth beauty and exclaims abundant life. Simultaneously, my highest calling is devoted to painting my experiences of life after loss. I have found that at times, there are no words to convey my deepest sorrows and distress, as well as experiencing joy in the midst of sorrow. It is with a paint brush, unconventional tools and acrylic mediums that I have found a place to express just my heart.

I enjoy jotting down my thoughts alongside my painting process and using both words and art to explore themes of hope, delight, joy, and redemption as well as unlocking the parts of grief that are a part of the human experience.

In 2022, we have added another aspect to our company with products and prints to further our outreach of hope, joy, solace, inspiration, and gratitude.

My hope is to ignite in others my same passion for slowing down and connecting with themselves as well as creating beautiful, fun and inspiring pieces of art for all to enjoy.

Join the Journey:)

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